James Joyce: Dubliners "The Dead" and "Eveline"

James Joyce’s Dubliners

  James Joyce uses “The Dead’ and “Eveline” to establish Dublin as a realistic and conflicted city to the reader. Epiphanies and paralysis of character’s shows that Dublin is a city like others with conflicts like others. The paralysis and epiphanies experienced by the characters are things that can happen to anyone. The characterization of characters and how Dublin plays a role in all of this also helps the reader understand what type of city Dublin was and the affect it had on the people of the city. Joyce is able to portray Dublin as a realistic city of conflict by expressing the character’s epiphanies, characterization, paralysis, and how Dublin plays a role in it all.
  In “Eveline”, Eveline’s epiphany is brought to light when she’s standing at the dock, paralyzed, as Frank calls out her name. She realizes she must keep the promise she made to her mother. In doing so, she also realizes that she will not be able to move forward in life or seek the true meaning of happiness for herself. She must dedicate her life to staying in Dublin and taking care of her father.
  Gabriel Conroy in “The Dead” has always thought he felt passionate for his wife and loved her very much. After Gretta tells him a story though, he realizes that is not the case. He’s in shock to realize that a dead man, Michael Furey has loved far more than he has. A man that is no longer living, yet has lived more than he has. He realizes he’s stuck in a state where he doesn't live life and doesn't express his love like Michael did. Gabriel realizes that one must be truly passionate in order to know the meaning of life and in order to really live.
  In the story “Eveline”, Joyce specifically states, “She prayed to God to direct her, to show her what was her duty.” It’s clear that she realizes that staying may not be the best thing for her or what will make her happy but it’s what she feels is her responsibility or purpose. This shows that Dublin and her role in Dublin...