Jacque-Louis David: the Death of Marat

Jacque-Louis David: The Death of Marat
The Neo-Classicism art movement which started in the 18th century was an unemotional form of art going back to the classical style of Greek and roman times. Neo-Classicism was a push away from the Frivolous Rococo style and the extremely emotionally charged Baroque style. Artists of this movement wished to revive interest in classical austerity and what they considered “pure”, to represent political truths and play a part in influencing the French Revolution.   One of the most influential neo-classicism artists was Jacque-Louis David. David was “one of the central figures of Neo-classicism” through his involvement in the French Revolution, politics, and his artworks’ influential power during the French Revolution. David is the perfect image of a Neo-classicism painter, which shows through all of his works especially through his piece The Death of Marat; where David incorporates the classical style into his work but instead of serving religious purposes it was used to promote the French Revolution and the revolutionists.
David’s involvement in the French Revolution truly made him the ideal Neo-Classical artist.   “David became a keen supporter of Napoleon, as well as the French Revolution and retained under him the dominant social and artistic position which he had previously held.”   With David’s respect for the French Revolution and Napoleon, he began creating works to promote Napoleon’s political ambitions. David not only painted to further the Revolution but he also voted for the execution of the king (Louis XVI) and personally signed for over 300 executions.   David painted Napoleon between 1802 and 1807 which were a series of paintings that glorified the French emperor.   Throughout his involvement with the French Revolution David gained power as Deputy of the city of Paris. David was, “elected a Deputy from the city of Paris” and with that power he, “voted for the execution of Louis XVI.” Not only did he vote for the...