Issues Affecting Education

Technology has become an excellent tool in the teaching and process. It has made work easier for stakeholders in education. It has allowed learning to be more learner centered. It has raised the concerned of its position in replacing teachers in the classroom.
In this paper I will highlight one merit and one demerit of the use of technology in education. Further, I will discuss ways in which educators can positively incorporate technology in the classroom. Moreover, l will accentuate ways in which drawbacks of technology in education can be overturned.  
According to Oxford et al.(2000) technology as it relates to education is that which is “applied to learning and teaching, technology spans the gamut from low range (chalkboard and the old-fashioned, wall decorating bulletin board) to the middle range (overhead projectors, audiotapes, videotapes, televisions and radio) and the high range 9 computers, the Internet, among others). In Oxford’s definition we see technology placed in three different categories, low range, middle range and high range. There are merits and demerit in the usage of technology in the classroom regardless of its range. Proper implementation of integrating technology in education can assist in alleviating the drawbacks.
Technology can more of a promise in the classroom than a problem. One merit of this statement is the efficient use of technology in education engages students in the teaching learning process. With the implementation of technology in the classroom learning becomes more student centered. The use of Promethean boards and other white boards is an example of how learning is fun and engaging using technology. Student are able to engage in real life situations without leaving the perimeters of their classroom. At the fourth grade level, while teaching the topic Animal senses in science it would have been much more fun if the students were able to go to a museum or a zoo. However, for reasons beyond your control you are unable to...