Is War Necessary

Is War Necessary
War has existed since the beginning of civilization, whether it is for gaining territory, freedom, or revenge. Although there could be some good in war towards the term of freedom, but death always pays the price. Hatred and jealousy in different countries or groups within a country fuels these bloody wars. There should be peace around the world and a different alternative to resolve differences in every conflict. The claim for this issue is a policy claim which is, war should not be necessary for mankind.
In support of the claim, millions of people have died to fight for what they stand for throughout the time of humankind. Wars have started since 264-146 BC with the Romans vs. the Carthages , according to ProQuest Staff of Leading Issues Timelines. This is a support of evidence. The Romans fought to expand in Carthage’s territory while the Charthages did their best to defend themselves. These wars were consider the worst of the ancient world and there are plenty more gruesome wars throughout history to the present time. The definition of gruesome is involving or depicting death or injury.
Another form of support,   The United States alone spends about $1.75 billion everyday on war equipment. Other countries are also guilty on large amount of spending on warfare. The amount of money spent on war should be spent to improve the country on it’s weakness financially. This is a support of needs and value. According to Veronique de Rugy, a senior researcher of George Mason University, states that the U.S. has spent over a trillion dollars on the War on Terror. “How much money is $1 trillion? Enough to pay for the entire 1976 federal budget, adjusted for inflations. Enough to write a check for $37,500 to every Iraqi man, woman and child…” Veronique uses this language sarcastically to show readers how ridiculous the amount of money is put into war.
Wars should not be necessary, but arguers who agree with war would make a point that when being...