Introduction to Research & Information Utilization/Res 110

Chiropractic Therapy
Introduction to Research & Information Utilization/Res 110
May 21, 2010

Chiropractic Therapy
      Does chiropractic therapy help prevent back surgery?   Chiropractic patients have noticed improvement in their lower back pain, which help the likelihood of back surgery. Patients have sought help to Chiropractors and Medical Doctors to help reduce surgery. Chiropractors have been more successful than medical doctors on achieving no surgery needed.
How does Chiropractic therapy work? “Chiropractic works by restoring your own natural-given ability to be healthy. By restoring spinal function with Chiropractic adjustments, nerve interference by misaligned vertebrae is removed, thus allowing optimal nervous system function and normal health” (How does Chiropractic work?, para. 1). In a Chiropractic office patients receive various treatments to alleviate lower back pain. These treatments include: First, Electrical muscle stimulation therapy to help increase blood circulation and strengthen weak muscles. Second, ultrasound therapy is used to decrease inflammation and muscle spasms. Third, ice packs are applied to reduce swelling, and pain.   Then hot packs help relax tight muscles, prevent pain and increase blood circulation. Next, decompression table pulls back the patients lower back disc back into shape, which decreases pain and improves patients’ posture. Finally, the chiropractic will adjust the patient. “Chiropractic adjustment is a technique
that delivers a controlled force to a specific vertebra to correct vertebral subluxations and eliminate nerve interference” (Gregg, 2005, para 1).   Other types of therapy used in a chiropractic facility to decrease chronic low back pain and to prevent surgery are: Neurologist, Podiatrist, and Pain management.
      Neurologists perform a nerve test on patients to determine if there is any nerve damage and to detect balance, reflexes, and sensation in the lower back. Also available in the office is a...