Intertextual Connections in "Letters to Alice and "Pride and Prejudice

Through the exploration of intertextual connections, how does your understanding of the context, purpose and audience of Letters to Alice help shape your understanding of Pride and Prejudice? In your response examine the ways in which different contexts can influence a composers choice of language forms and features and the ideas, values and attitudes conveyed in their texts.’

Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” and Fay Weldon’s “Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen” explores a range of intertextual connections through their understanding of context, purpose and their targeted audiences. Both authors have a formal yet witty approach to their novels by using a range of techniques to explore the values and conventions of marriage, the succession of women, money and the influence of perspective and opinionated based writing.
Jane Austen wrote in the 19th century when women began to emerge as liberated and independent people yet were still in superior to males especially of higher social status and wealth. This likeness is also represented in Weldon’s influence of living in a time of one of the greatest feminist waves. She adopts this through her radical but reasonable feminist style of writing. Austen reflects this context through her choice in strong and independent characters most notably, Elizabeth Bennet. Weldon supports and considers this influence and compares ideas explored by Austen with her own 20th century societal influence.
Austen wrote initially for the amusement of herself and her family to whom she would conduct readings. Her novel being that of fiction not only was written to fulfill her gratification for writing but to also expresses to the 19th century world her opinion and point of view. This was a way to satirize and critique social institutions yet maintain a manner of formality in her writing technique. Examples of effective techniques utilized in “Pride and Prejudice”, are Austen’s use of irony, satire, point of view and use of...