Internet Piracy

Internet piracy

      Piracy is defined as: unauthorized use of appropriation of patented or copy righted material, ideas. Internet piracy creates a major problem in the music artists, movie companies, and software companies such as Microsoft.   Music piracy is one of the largest forms of piracy in society today and because there are not many laws against music piracy yet it is very hard to stop.   In turn artists loose much of their revenue to pirates and file sharers.   Piracy is difficult to minimize, is ethically wrong and deprives artists of thousands if not millions of dollars.
      Internet piracy takes many forms. There is music piracy, which is the most common.   An example of this is when Internet users take Mp3 (song file) off of sites without paying for the music they just stole. Music piracy is virtually impossible to stop.   It is also practically impossible to protect the copyrights on the songs (Blackwell n pag.).   Software piracy is also a major problem. Software piracy is when people take programs like Windows Vista, or Microsoft Word and give the programs to many people or if a person were make the program downloadable over the Internet.   Due to software Piracy there was an estimated ten to twelve billion dollars in revenue loss just in the United States alone (“Copyright Infringement” n pag.).     Movie piracy is not as large as music piracy or software simply because it is still fairly new.   The top five countries with the most illegal download are China, Vietnam, Ukraine, Indonesia, and Russia. In 2003 United States had an estimated six point five billion dollars in financial loss (“Copyright Infringement” n pag.).     What does the public think of music piracy?   The public is split between liking music piracy and disliking it. Those who like music piracy like it because it is cheap, it is easy, and it doesn’t seem wrong to them because many do pirate music.   In fact “Millions of Americans illegally download music off the internet every day.”...