International Law

To what extent does international law promote and maintain world order?
International law is defined as a body of rules established by custom or treaty and recognized by nations as binding in their relations with one another. This is then further used to heavily promote and maintain order through the United Nations, the Security Council and State sovereignty.
The United Nations was introduced on the 24th of October in 1945, with a person of preventing chaos similar to wold war 2 and maintain and promoting world Order. The UN works to maintain international peace and security in a world where security threats have become more complex.  Although the Organization has had many successes, there are also, unfortunately, several recent tragic cases where the United Nations has not been so successful.  Hundreds of thousands have died around the world as conflicts have recently mounted due to a lack of world order. With the mounting complexity and growing costs of addressing crisis situations, the imperative of conflict prevention is higher than ever.  In its conflict prevention and mediation work, the United Nations continues to face challenges regarding how best to engage with sometimes amorphous movements or fractured armed groups and how to ensure inclusivity. An example of the United Nations work to promote and maintain world order is seen in its prosecutions of war criminals, the UN tribunals established for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda have helped to expand international humanitarian and international criminal law dealing with genocide and other violations of international law. Both tribunals have contributed to restoring peace and justice in the affected countries and in the region. The International Criminal Court is an independent permanent court that investigates and prosecutes persons accused of the most serious international crimes—genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes—if national authorities are unwilling or unable to do so. UN-backed...