
Integrity 1

Role of Integrity in Criminal Justice
Twyala Pennell
CRJ220: Ethics and Leadership in Criminal Justice
Professor Singh
March 14, 2010

Integrity 2
It is imperative that the working criminal justice professional have a full understanding of
the concept of integrity and how it affects their respective profession.   They are seen as the first line of defense against the deterioration of our contemporary society.   They are seen and perceived as the moral role models not only by their employing institutions, but also the
community that they will eventually impact by their actions. One profession where
the concept of integrity is integral would be the Undercover Narcotic Agent. This professional
literally lives two lives; one that upholds the law, the other participates and allows transgressions
to be committed against society to build evidence against the accused.   This analysis will provide
a working definition for integrity, and how the Undercover Narcotic Agent must remain steadfast
when presented with opportunities of corruption.
    The Criminal Justice Professional’s actions not only affect how the institution that
employs them is perceived, but also the opinion of the environment that the professional
inherited from their socioeconomic status.     Integrity becomes an issue when the Professional no
longer adheres to the guidelines set forth by their employing institution or the community that
socialized them (William & Arrigo, 2008).   The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines integrity as: “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; incorruptibility, an unimpaired condition of soundness, the quality or state of having complete or undivided honesty” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2010).   This concept has been marred by years of corruption on behalf of those individuals who compromise their moral duties by rationalizing their actions with self interests.
    A prime example of how the Undercover...