Instructional Strategies

Teacher uses different instructional strategies in the classroom. Teachers must know and when to use these strategies. Teacher need to know how to adapt strategies to students’ abilities and learning styles. Teachers have a choice of instruction they can use. Of course, the teacher strategy depends on the personality and teaching style. One of the teaching styles use is direct instruction.
What is direct instruction? What is the best description? Which learning styles would go best with direct instruction? Where can information and resources found for direct instruction? In this paper, the questions above will be address.
Direct instruction is an instructional approach with lessons given by the teacher in order and structured. Direct instruction description is teacher-directed. The teacher provides systematic instructions. DI helps students learn information and skills in a short amount of time. When a teacher is using DI, the lesson is focus, clear, concise, and stating goals for students. During this approach, the teacher watches children understanding closely. Teacher provides positive feedback on the student performance. Majority of students learn more from this approach than any other approach. Burden and Byrd (2003)
After giving a description of DI, finding which learning style works best for this approach is next. Most of the lessons given are teacher-directed. The best learning styles for this approach is visual and auditory.   Using auditory the teacher has to give goals for that lesson. Teachers usually review a previous lesson given. They provide detail explanations, asked questions, and obtain responses back. All above describes ways in using auditory for DI. Teacher uses visual during DI. A good example of visual and auditory used with DI is a math lesson. This example clearly uses all the strategies described above. The textbook for this class has a great deal of resources and information. The internet has good resources too.
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