It is our responsibility as employees to take measures so we prevent and control the spread of infection. We follow legislation from HASAWA, COSHH and RIDDOR. I will need to attend any training that is made available to me so I can put these safe ways of working into practice. For example not coming to work if I am sick as it could put others at risk, always washing and sanitising my hands to reduce the spread of infection and wearing protective clothing such as plastic aprons and gloves.
It is the duty of the employer to provide PPE,equipment,organise training, undertake risk assessments and generally be responsible for the health and safety of their staff. The employer must also make sure all staff are attending training and are supervised regularly so that all infection control guidelines are being followed correctly.
Most of the legal regulations relating to infection prevention and control fall under the Health and Safety at Work Act: this act is about ensuring a safe work place for employers, employees and members of the public by minimising accidents at work. HASAWA is relevant also as it's about the prevention and control of pathogens and managing the storage/use of hazardous substances COSHH. RIDDOR is also relevant as it requires that any infection or disease that is work related be recorded and reported.
All local authorities have infection control policies and procedures that have been developed to protect their local communities. The organisation that I work at has policies and procedures on when and how to use protective equipment/clothing and how to maintain a clean environment. This is relating to different areas of the home such as toilets where body fluids are present, handling laundry that may be contaminated with body fluids, disposing of hazardous waste, preparing, handling, serving and clearing food. PPE is very important when working with hazardous activities.
As a health care assistant it is my responsibility...