Inclusive Learning & Teaching

As a teacher I feel responsible for my learners, it is up to me to make sure that they learn and gain knowledge by the way I present, give experiences and share ideas in a structured environment.   Upon reflecting on my own lessons and that of an experienced teacher that I observed I feel that I further understand and have experience to give more back to my learners so that they can have that ultimate learning experience.
OFSTED (1993) states that teaching quality is to be judged by the extent to which:
- Teachers have clear objectives for their lessons
- Pupils are aware of these objectives
- Teachers have a secure content
- Lessons have suitable content
- Activities are well chosen to promote learning of that content
- Activities are presented in ways which will engage and motivate and challenge all pupils, enabling them to make progress at a suitable pace.


Teaching and Learning Approaches

Entwistle (1981) describes four orientations to learning: meaning, reproducing, achieving and holistic.   Combinations of these orientations with extrinsic factors, such as the need to pass exams or the love of a subject, were thought to lead to learning strategies which characterised certain approaches to study, from deep to surface levels of thinking.  

When entering the classroom I noticed that the teacher was already in control before the learners arrived.   He had clear aims written up on the board and all his paperwork prepped ready for the session.   Without asking him I knew what the purpose of the lesson was and what the students would achieve by the end of the session.   When the students arrived they asked very few questions as most of the learner just read the board to see what they would be learning.   This had a very positive effect as the teacher was now in control and the learners sat down quietly waiting for the teacher to response.   The lessons that I taught up to now haven’t been as clear, I tended to write a...