In What Ways Are the Basic Principles of the Humanistic Framework Applied in Contemporary Counselling Practice?

In what ways are the basic principles of the Humanistic Framework applied in contemporary counselling practice?

Critically evaluate two Humanistic approaches to counselling in light of your understanding of the Humanistic Framework, your personal philosophy and your experiences.

Humanistic psychology dates back to 5th Century Greece.   It saw a revival in the mid 20th Century and is one of several counselling models in contemporary counselling practice. Although not a new concept, Humanistic models of counselling were further developed in the 20th Century as a reaction to psychoanalytical and behavioural therapies, which had, until then, dominated psychological thinking.

The Humanistic approach is existential, experiential, phenomenological, holistic, and at its heart has a profound trust in humanity. I believe that the essence of the Humanistic approach is the quality of understanding of the client that is important, not an analysis of the client’s experience.

There are a number of Humanistic counselling models but I will restrict the discussion to my understanding of the basic principles and assumptions of Humanistic psychology, and the evaluation of just two Humanistic counselling approaches, Person Centred and Gestalt therapies.   After a brief look at the Humanistic theoretical framework, I will look at my own experience in counselling and how theory shapes and informs counselling practice. I will briefly discuss the Humanistic therapeutic approach to diversity and the range of clients and issues which therapists encounter, and the power dynamics in the therapeutic relationship.   The essay will demonstrate my belief that Humanistic counselling is an extremely effective therapy and I strongly believe that when people are respected, trusted, and given the right conditions, they will reach their full potential.

Humanistic psychology rose in the 1940’s America, with an approach that focuses on positive ways of looking at humans. It asserts that we are...