In the United States, We Do Not Need to Plan for Retirement.

I have chosen to write about the topic, “In the United States, we do not need to plan for retirement. Social Security will cover our needs when we retire.” The reason I have chosen this topic is that I believe that Social Security will not be there to cover our needs for retirement. There is many facts that prove this point that I know about. My point of view on the whole subject is that we cannot depend on Social Security. If you receive your papers in the mail from Social Security quarterly. They show what you will receive once you hit retiring age, it is not nearly the amount of money you make currently to even survive. That is why there are options like 401k and other savings options that you can start to save more money for when you retire. If you have at least two other options available to you plus your retirement you will have enough to retire and still have a wonderful life. You need to keep in mind that once you retire you are not making the same money you were when you were working. The money you have saved needs to accommodate you throughout the rest of your life. By getting a financial advisor to help you discover your needs for when you retire is an excellent way to begin the process. I will get more into that in my essay.

What I pan to accomplish in my essay is to let others know why we cannot just plan for Social Security to be the sole provider when we retire. There are many options available, once I show all of these options and the facts about what we will receive if anything from Social Security at the time we retire. It will prove that we need to take retirement seriously and do the best we can to prepare for our future when we are retirement age. Social Security has proven that the money they are taking from us now are to pay for others that are at the retiring age now. When we retire we will have to depend on the people in the working fields to care for us.   I plan to take all the necessary steps in showing my readers that we need more...