Importance of Sensorial Education

The term ‘intellect’ as explained by Oxford Dictionary means; ‘The faculty of using the mind to think logically and understanding things.”   The dictionary explains ‘intelligence’ as; ‘the ability to gain or apply knowledge and skills.

The obvious question that comes to our mind is, that, how does one gain knowledge and develop a logical bent of mind? Our mind and its faculties are nothing but all of our experiences and our reflex and associative activities in response to our experiences. The intellect depends upon these very reflex and associative or reproductive activities.
Every person’s experiences are different in quality and quantity and that’s why every brain is unique. This is an idea explored by Lynn Lawrence (2010). Our brains are constantly working in collecting new experiences, relating them to past ones, categorizing and discriminating them, relating to our past reflexes etc. and then, deciding on our current reflexes or reactions.
But where does all this start? Where does this experience and reflex bank come from? How and when does it form?  

According to Dr. Maria Montessori, “It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.” ( Hence we can say that our intellect was basically built in the childhood. The quality and quantity of experiences of the world around him shape the child’s intellect and thus that of the man he is to be.

One would wonder as to how would a seemingly helpless child form the basis of adult intellect? How does he experience the world around him and how does he decide upon a reflex or reaction to these experiences.
Dr. Montessori discovered that children have been well equipped by nature to develop intellect. They are endowed with senses to experience the world around them, sensitive periods to refine their senses, an absorbent mind and above all an inner drive ‘horme’.   The first six years of the child’s life are of rapid physical and mental...