Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform
The social justice implications of Immigration Reform
      Strangers are behind the formation of the beautiful land of America. The American land has flourishes because it is being by different sources. This rooted on the varied nourishments of different people, cultures, and traditions. Immigration reforms have made the US a strong and vibrant nation. Reforms of immigration have been fostering the rich dynamism in the country. Appropriate welcoming of foreign visitors makes the country brighter and attractive across the globe (Jonas, 2009).
      Implementation of immigration reforms introduced comprehensive legislation that fixed the formerly tampered system of immigration thus strengthening the US economy. Economic experts supported evocative, human, and personal terms to address issues of families distanced by miles and separated and resources. Young people are increasingly willing and ready to come out of their shadow into American lifestyle. Immigrant community advocates rooted in different parts of America have similar experiences with shared concerns and expirations. Delegates across different sectors introduced social and moral justice reforms in fixing economic systems (Jonas, 2009).
      America’s immigration policy mirrors this nation while helping the country determine measures for future economic growth. For decades, immigrants have founded the economy strength of US. If the immigration systems are not treated well, economic losses in the global economy would occur. Innovations in America depend on the help of immigrants. In the US, immigrants account for 30% of new businesses. These populations have high chances of securing innovation patents and they account for $2 trillion in consumer buying power. Research studies reveal that immigration reforms have a likelihood of adding 2% to American GDP by the end of 2018. However, the American government must employ all strategies to ensure elite immigrants are retained in the...