
My partner and I ritual was becoming a United States citizen. It was very interesting researching the topic, seeing how rigorous and difficult the process can be. In order to become a United States citizen you must reside in the United States as a permanent resident for five years. An exception to this rule is if you’re married to, or living with a spouse then you can apply after three years.   To help make the ritual come to life I researched questions that are on the Naturalization test and picked out five to share with the class. The actual civic test is oral, during the naturalization interview you would be asked up to ten questions from a list of one hundred. You must answer six out of the ten correctly to pass the civic portion of the naturalization test. I then printed out the oath that is read at the ceremony to demonstrate during the ritual. It is evident that the wording of the oath is not up to date, it appears very difficult for an immigrant to say and understand.   As the process is completed each new citizen receives a certificate of citizenship, being that they are government documents I simply couldn’t just print one out. Instead, I decided to create my own on Microsoft Word, trying to resemble the actual document as close as possible,   My partner and I both contributed to the program and the order of ceremony, trying to stay as close as possible to the actual one. By splitting up the work we could accomplish a lot more and having a second brain was very useful. I believe my partner and I were very successful, besides the fact that we made a slight mistake by forgetting to incorporate our bible passage. This was a learning experience; next time we should read the direction more clearly. Otherwise, she was very easy to work with and contributed equally to the ritual and planning process.  
    By performing the ritual my mind and heart were transformed. I believe by doing this and participating in other rituals it opened my heart; I learned that we...