Imagery in John Updike’S Works

Imagery in John Updike’s Works
The origin of symbol
The idea of verbal image comes from literature. In literature the language itself is a work of art. It is a well known truth that every work of verbal art is composed of words. Words are the basic tool in the hands of the writer to create his work. Of course we use words in our everyday life, we communicate with the help of it on different topics and do not even pay attention to the power that they possess. The meaning of the word in verbal art is never limited with its fixed, dictionary meaning. The words besides their nominative meaning gain new shades of meanings. In literature words must not be non-motivated. The selection of words is connected with the way of expressing the reality. Which is expressed by authors through images.    
  With the help of the image the author informs his reader the main theme of the written work. It helps the reader to reveal the essence of the written work, be aware of the intentions of the author.
In our article we will concentrate on local images and images for the whole text, that is symbolic images.
As Losev suggested in his work it is very important to distinguish between the “symbol” and “metaphor”. The thing common to them is that in both there is a concept of artistic image, but in a metaphor there is not that mysterious phenomenon or the object which is pointed out by the symbol. “Every metaphor has a meaning and it points out something but it points only itself. In this respect a symbol witnesses the existence of something else which it mentions”. (Лосев, 1982)
The term “symbol” first appeared in Old Greek. It came from the verb “Symballo”, which means to coincide, to combine, to unite, and the corresponding noun of this verb “Symballon” indicates the result of the combination. ( Лосев, 1982)
Pestova has distinguished three meaningful groups, which more often become symbols: (Лосев,1976 )                                                  
1. The names of...