Ilm Level 3 Communication

Understand the nature and importance of the communication process in the workplace

1.1 Explain the importance of effective communication in the workplace

Communication is an important aspect of the team and can have huge impacts on how the team works as a whole.   Communication is about sharing ideas, information, opinions and plans from person to person and department to department.   A team lacking in communication will not likely be running as efficiently as it could be; this could cost the organisation not only time but money as well.

In order for an organisation to run smoothly, effective communication is required at all levels. It is obviously essential that management maintain a clear and positive communication stream with employees at all times, to ensure instructions and expectations are fully understood. Staff cannot be expected to do their job to the best of their ability if they are uncertain about how to carry out certain tasks or their responsibilities. Management should communicate such expectations to staff frequently, inform employees of any changes and also welcome any queries.

Employees should ensure they maintain effective communication with other staff as well as management. Any problems, feedback or queries should be communicated to management; this will allow senior staff to deal with issues and understand what is going on with the organization on the front line.

Efficient communication will raise motivation levels which in turn will improve the morale of the staff. An organisation which does not show high levels of communication will often have unmotivated and inefficient employees due to conflict and uncertainty in the workplace. With effective communication, you can maintain good human relations within the organization - by encouraging ideas or suggestions from employees and implementing them whenever possible, you can also increase productivity at low cost.

1.2 Describe the stages in the communication cycle

The stages...