
One day one of the men got loose from his bonds, and ventured outside the walls of the cave, discovering the sunshine, the grass, trees, animals and all of the life that this planet has to offer. He was amazed that his entire previous world consisted of the shadows of those things, passing before the mouth of the cave. After he began to adjust, he went back to the cave and told his former mates of what he had found, he loosed their bonds, and they refused to come with him, claiming him to be mad. I agree with this idea because the only reality that they could accept was only a mere shadow of the possible reality available. That shows that we accept reality as it is presented to us. We never dare to question it. In strictest terms, if you fail to recognize the solidity or validity of a piece of reality, then you could put your foot right into a wall, or somehow mistakenly walk on water. If you did manage to recognize a different reality then you might fly in the face of convention, you might separate yourself from the huddled masses. There is a time in all of our lives when we can recognize those things that we believe in and hold true.
In the handbook it is said that all of the people and events of our lives are brought there by us, drawn them to us. The next steps and what we do with them is up to us as well. Life is about learning, laughing and continuing to grow. When we stop doing that then we are really in the wrong film. It is always possible to change your circumstances, you need merely believe that it is so and act on that belief. Some people like scary movies; they learn how to fear or how to not fear. It is all a matter of how we see our circumstances. All this is possible by creating ’ILLUSIONS’ of such circumstances. It is all a matter of envisioning what we want, and then going after the goals. See it, say it, see it – see the vision, speak it and act on your words and you will see it in the end. That is the message that the author wants to convey...