Identify the Regulatory Requirements, Codes of Practice and Relevant Guidance for Managing Concerns and Complaints in Own Area of Work

Identify the regulatory requirements, codes of practice and relevant guidance for managing concerns and complaints in own area of work

The complaints policy for our Nursing Care Home  outlines the following aims:
  * To resolve concerns / complaints as quickly and effectively as possible, through an informal  response by a frontline member of staff.
  * To ensure that all concerns / complaints are dealt with in accordance with these procedures.
  * To ensure that staff, patients and relatives/carers are aware of the policy and procedure.
  * To improve quality of service by identifying lessons learned from complaints locally and  by implementing improvements in service using the lessons learnt.
  * To help all health professionals to feel they can be open in their communications with patients whenever mistakes are made and to not be reluctant to apologise.
A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about a  service that is being delivered, or the failure to deliver a service, or the behaviour of a staff member.It must be remembered that not all ind ividuals would wish to  make formal complaints, but do have things to say that require action to be taken. These issues should still be addressed to the manager and to be recorded. 
A complaint/concern/comment can be made in person, in  writing, by telephone or email or through the nursing home's website.
Every effort should be made to as sist an individual in making their views known and any staff member should be available to accept the initial representation.
A complaint can be made by: An individual service user;The representative of a service user;Someone who has been turned down for a service to which  they think they are eligible; staff members.
A complaint can be made about anything that is connected with services that we offer. This could be :
  * Quality or amount of service. 
  * Charges for services. 
  * Failure to follow correct procedures.
  * A service not being provided.  ...