I Believe

I Believe

I believe happiness is something all of us can find because we've all felt it, not once but many times. Undoubtedly, happiness is the most important part in our lives. But if you ask different individuals what is happiness, there are absolutely a wide variety of answers you would hear. It is difficult to define happiness because it means different things to different people. I admit that I don’t have the roughest of lives. I’m a privileged child with opportunities that far too many kids aren’t blessed with. I live in a stable family with friends and a boyfriend that I am surrounded by every day; and I pretty much have everything I could ever want. I have the ability to create my own happiness, and so does everyone else.

 Many times I have felt sorry for myself; wishing my life was something much different, much better, and complaining about how “I don’t have this”, or “I don’t have that”. How everyone’s life is just so much better than mine, and how I would give anything to trade with them. What I hadn’t realized then was that I am happy, and I didn’t really realize how happy and lucky I was till I went to Honduras to visit my grandparents. I will never forget that trip because I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the people there, they had nothing but dirt roads and everyone was bare foot. They wore clothes that you could tell were worn out, yet they were still smiling, and they weren’t worried about their clothes. The children there would play baseball for fun, the only difference was that they used old worn out tires as bases and a branch as a bat. Once again I couldn’t help but feel pity for these kids, yet they seemed so happy and were having so much fun, with-out a care in the world. From that point on, I realized that people don’t need luxurious objects to be happy.

From that experience, I was able to understand we all have the power to make moments of happiness happen, and that life is too short to be anything but happy. I believe that...