Hysteria in the Crucible

Every society puts man’s strength and ability to survive to the test. Everyone comes across a hard path during his or her life sooner or later. How they choose to do so is up to the individual. In the works The Crucible and Guilty by Suspicion, John Proctor and David Merrill respectively must decide if they will follow the evil ways of authority. And while doing so, even though they are both different characters in a different time they both exemplify individuality, strength, and moral integrity.
At first, Proctor was trying to avoid all involvement since the beginning of the play. In Act I, when Reverend Hale arrives, he knows the girls are pretending and leaves in disgust by saying, “I never spoke on witches one way or the other. Will you come, Giles?”(82). John knew that all accusations were false, but in order to reveal this he would have to admit that he was a lecher. He avoids all responsibility and retires to the privacy of his home. He worked only for his own individual ends, and desired only to live an uninvolved life, but Proctor ultimately stops hiding at home and stops refusing to face the charges. He acts for his wife and friends.
Like Proctor, David Merrill avoids becoming involved. Be
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He still goes out and tries to find a job around Hollywood but becomes and impossible task. Also, he did not like Reverend Parris. At the court, John brings Mary Warren to testify, and is accused of trying to undermine the court. Graff, a lawyer, tells him how he was accused of attending communist parties. Once again, her sarcastic side comes in by saying, "David Merrill express rides again, huh?"
Both Proctor and Merrill act as individuals by breaking away from the established authority. In the Graff scene he argues with them that he doesn't know much about the people in the list they want him to name. From the moment David steps in court he is sure as to what he is to say and do.
When meeting with Graff and asked to name the people, David tells them...