Humanistic Theory

Essay on Humanistic Theory of the Person

This piece of work is purely my understanding of humanistic theory, how I perceive it, and how I believe its teachings (so far) has made me the person that I am today.
Looking at the first point “What it means to be human?”   Each and every one of us would probably come up with different concepts and ideas of what the answer could be. What we have to remember is that we are specifically looking at the concepts and theory according to the humanistic approach in counselling.
As human beings we all have the potential; that potential is intrinsic for growth and change and could be for anything including positive or negative, the choices lie with us, depending on the seeds that were sown there in the first place. What I mean is; dependent on the key, usually human influences in our lives (which I will come to later). Unwittingly we strive for self-actualisation, terminology used in humanistic theory and commonly used by Abraham Maslow a significant theorist believing in the humanistic approach, in other words we as human beings have a desire to fulfil our ‘potential’, however in order to achieve self actualisation which is the top of the pinnacle there are basic needs that must be met before we can achieve this, and therefore achieve growth as a person such as physiological needs, safety needs, belonging needs and recognition needs. To be human is to be complex, theoretically once basic needs are met such as food, water, shelter, warmth so on and so forth we evolve and are able to move further up, striving to reach the pinnacle and to make us whole physically, mentally and emotionally. We have the ability to reason, to adapt and to change. We have the ability to influence our own fate (if the circumstances are right for good or bad). We also have the ability to influence others. With so many of these examples many things can be done for the greater good for ourselves and those around us. Equally all these human...