Human Geography and Global Studies

Chile and Its Competition against the Always Seemingly Better United States
The country of Chile, located on the western border of South America, is one of the continent’s most flourishing and secure countries. Its location is ideal for trade, as well as full of agricultural resources which keep the country economically stable. The human development of Chile is rising per year and currently leads the Latin American nations with an HDI ranking of 45. When comparing Chile to the United States, with an HDI ranking of 4, the numbers are not too far apart. Although there is not a significant difference, statistics still support the common notion that the United States is an overall more economically developed country and has a conveniently better site and situation to promote and preserve its well-being.
Low Stationary Stage
Crude Birth Rates and Crude Death Rates and Rate of Natural Increase As illustrated in Figure 1, the crude birth rate of Chile is the same as the United States equaling 14, but the crude death rates of each country are slightly different as the United States is 8 and Chile is only 5.   The United States is considered a more developed country according to the Demographic Transition rate as it stands further along in stage 4 of development in which a country is defined as having low birth and death rates and little or no population growth**. Chile is also in stage 4 of the Demographic Transition rate, but is not as far along as the US due to its lower death rate resulting in a higher number of natural increase.
The economic effects of Natural Increase
Chile’s higher rate of natural increase may also be explained by its lack of family planning. When compared to the United States, at 35.9, Chile has an adolescent fertility rate of 59.8, as seen in figure 4. This substantial difference is possibly the result of lack of education in Chile. Chilean teens may not be aware of, or have access to the resources around them, which can...