Hsm 210 Prevention

Keona Jones
May 3, 2015

Issues of single mother’s that are on welfare to provide help in the household is getting harder to live on due to major cuts in the government to fund the many programs that allow single mother’s to use. Using the prevention strategies to get through these issues, we are going to look at how the secondary level can help in such cases. To help single mother’s, it is best to figure out what they can do as far as work and to know how they will be affected by the government cuts.
In recent papers, I have discussed how the government has had major cuts in food stamps and changes in requirements to receive other benefits. Last year, the government came out with a bill to implement the budget cut for the SNAP program for a lot of citizens that were using this programs, which was also an agriculture reform (SNAP, 2015). This was a major setback for mothers that work hard, but didn’t have money after paying bills, to put food on the table for their children, such as myself. Welfare was originally designed and reauthorized to help low income families until they are able to become stable and be self-sufficient (welfare, 2015).
The secondary prevention level of human services is the level where you “nip the problem or issue in the bud”. This level is to get the help that is needed to be able get early solutions before it becomes too bad to handle. With this level, dealing with this type of issue, single mothers on welfare; it comes into handy because before a single mother has to use all the resources of the welfare reform, she can figure out ways to work around it to become self-sufficient as it was designed to be. With this level, mothers can ignore having to use rental assistance or section 8 programs by getting into housing that goes by income. The job that a mother has, the leasing company will allow you income to make up for what your rent will be monthly. With this solution. It wouldn’t go against any...