
Marriage is a theme portrayed in both the two comparative texts. Marriage was considered forever and was socially expected and condoned. The poet depicts the surrender of the female in which implies that her individuality, her girlhood is completely lost. The first stanza comments on the contract of marriage and its repercussion for each partner. In the initial line “I gave myself to Him-“, the use of first person suggests the persona’s view of marriage. It does not involve love or care but rather being only a contract between two parties.   This view is reinforced with the use of cold emotive word ‘solemn’ in the line ‘The solemn contract of a life’ provokes the lifeless future towards the signing of the “contract”. This caused the loss of identity of women after marriage to be loveless and perfunctory.   In the picture, the gender symbols which lay at the centre and cross each other symbolise the marriage or ‘contract’ that the family has made.
Family is another theme explored. Family triumphs everything in the film Persuasion. It determines where you live, what you eat, whom you see and what you talk about. It’s a depiction of your social status in the world. One separating themselves from their family is a step in forming independence. Only a few characters manage to take this step however since family plays a crucial role in portraying their position in the world. In the poem, Dickinson demonstrates family as futile. Unlike Persuasion, family is not portrayed as a place of home, love or care but rather focuses on the wealth as it reflects the importance of what the woman brought to a marriage.
In the mid nineteenth century, it was a norm for a girl to get married, have a family, have children and have a mundane lifestyle.   Dickinson explores the theme of society and class in the poem ‘199 I’m ‘wife’ – I’ve finished that, through line “It’s safer so-“irony is being used as there is a sense she mocks the society for pressuring girls into marriage. In relation...