Hsa 320 Healthcare Human Resource Management

1. What are the human resource responsibilities of a board of directors?
When it comes to the role and responsibilities of human resources in reference to the board of directors the human resource department should be ensure that they are following established policies and procedures of the organization. They must also review their decisions frequently to make sure that the decisions are ethical and moral. The board of directors for a company is responsible for the oversight and policy making for an organization.

2. Describe the ethic of critique and explain why it was important in the situation described in the Balancing Needs case.

The ethic of critique questions the situation and the decision making process. In
this case study the ethic of critique should pose some questions that should be thought over very carefully. As our textbook states, some questions like “How did the organization get to its present situation?” “What is the motivator?” “What is the history?” and “Who holds the official and unofficial power?” These are a couple of example questions that should be considered when referencing the ethic of critique. In this case, these questions were given to help the CEO make some very strong and powerful decisions. It also allowed for the CEO in this case to determine the outcome on if he would mentor and train-up the new employee versus the decision that others suggested.

3. Describe the Ethic of Justice and explain why it was important in the situation described in the Balancing Needs case.

The Ethic of Justice is where the core of the moral atmosphere of an institution and environment is held. This ethic questions the nature of self governance. When you use the ethic of justice approach you tend to look at problems logically. The moral principles and laws and policies tend to be perceived greatly with this ethic. Organizations will invest time, money, and energy into establishing policies that should be effectively carried out. In the...