Hrm 531

Labor Laws and Unions – Coca-Cola
Raquel Jones

Labor Laws and Unions – Coca-Cola
Week two’s individual assignment is on labor laws and unions.   This paper will provide a brief background on Coca-Cola, identify legal issues, determine which laws could be broken, and provide recommendations to minimize possible litigation.   Determine what the benefits of joining a union are for an organization, what is the unionization process, how does a union bargain, and what effects does union bargaining have on the organization.   Now let us explore the world of Coca-Cola.
Doctor Pemberton was a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia with immense ingenious ideas.   The Coca-Cola brand started selling at Jacobs’ Pharmacy for five cents a glass; today Coca-Cola is the bestselling and most desired soft drink and product in the World.   “Unfortunately for Pemberton, he died in 1888 without realizing the success of the beverage he had created” (Coca Cola, 2011).   Ten years later in 1898 congress passed a tax on all medicines and the Coca Cola Company decided to sale coke as a beverage instead of a medicine.  
Union bargaining
How does a union bargain?   That is a good question, a collective bargaining is the central part of a union it is the negotiation of the contract.   This is when employees assemble to discuss and negotiate workplace issues with management.   The outcome of the discussion/negotiation is the contract or agreement of the collective bargain of both sides’ terms.   Unions sometimes push business owners to produce more marketable advantage to employees.   Unions within business effect unionization, increase in wages, distended pension plans, and workforce reduction.   Nevertheless, some employees within the Coca-Cola organization are content and feel taken care of many do not want to be part of a union and other want more.
Legal issues and minimizing litigation
Coca-Cola like any company faces...