How Does Money Make Trade Easier

How does money make trade easier?
Money makes trade easier because in today’s society, people can’t self sustain themselves without buying goods and services from others.   In the past centuries, people lived simply.   They had to survive by raising their own food, by farming, ranching, and making their own clothes.   In today’s society, people live in clustered areas or cities and towns, and rely on others to provide food, fuel, clothing, and everyday essentials for them.   They are called consumers, and without some sort of currency to pay for these goods and services, they would cease to exist.   On the larger scale, cities, states, and nations trade goods and services with each other by use of wire transfers, and internet payments.   There are many types of electronic transmissions used to pay for goods traded or provided everyday.   If we didn’t have a currency to pay for these services, how would we buy a computer from Japan, or a golf club from Korea?   The use of credit cards has made the trading of goods, or purchasing of goods from other countries a daily routine.

How does money function as a means to an end in personal, corporate, or national relationships?
Money is how we get by and accumulate items in our life.   In our personal lives, money is how we are paid, or compensated for the jobs we perform.   Money is the way we move from one status to another by the purchase of a house, a car, or pay for our life styles we need.   Money in the corporate world is the currency we use to compensate employees, buy materials to manufacture the products that the company sells, to purchase the material to ship the items the company makes, and to invest in the employee’s pensions, health care, and investments.   Money used in national relationships is the way trade relationships are compensated.   If one nation delivers goods to another, they are paid for with money or goods and services.   If one nation trades with another, they pay each other in currency that is...