|How do you take the factors into account | |
|when planning healthy and safe indoor and| |
|outdoor environments and services for |Describe in your own words with an example. |
|young people? | |
| |The environment I will use is 'Hoo Farm', in Telford, which a young person in our house has |
| |been too on a number of occasions. |
| |If the task is not age appropriate, the young person will find it difficult to engage. If the |
|Individual needs, age and abilities of |activity is beyond a child's ability, you will ultimately set them up to fail and this will |
|the children and young people |have a negative effect on their confidence, on the other hand if it is below the child's |
| |ability, the child won't be able to progress. If you are going to be away for a long period of |
| |time, does a child need any medication? |
| |The environment served its purpose because it was out of the young person's day to day setting.|
|Function and purpose of the environment |The environment was fun, it had clear boundaries and had staff and other safety precautions in |
| |place. This wouldn't have served a very good purpose had it been an older...