How Can You Alter Your Study Techniques to Take Advantage of Your Particular Abilities

How can you alter your study techniques to take advantage of your particular abilities and competencies as determined by these activities?
One of the best ways I can see to alter, my study techniques to take advantage of particular abilities and competencies is to print out every description on how to do an assignment. Due to the fact that I am strong in following directions, if there is a printed set of instructions for me to follow, it will not leave much room for error. Also with printing out my assignments and keeping them in order by due date and time for a particular class plays such a big role in practicing me being organized. Another way I can see to alter my study techniques to take advantage of particular abilities and competencies is to put all my effort into the reading assignments, the discussions, and the learning preferences activities to deliver the best results possible.   If I continue to participate in the discussions questions with my class mates and the instructors it could help me build up my cooperation skills. If I’m able to learn to cooperate fully throughout my study it would definitely help me when it’s time for me to cooperate in my career field.   With work, being married, having a child on the way and going back to school is part of coping with pressure and a strong structure. As I stated   before to improve my ability of coping with stress and pressure there is certain steps that can be taken, such as for example; dealing with the most important matter first, finding a peaceful state of mind that puts me at ease before dealing with pressure . Which I feel can be very helpful when molding me for profession.