How Can We Protect Ourselves from Neпative Influences of Air and Water Pollution

How can we protect ourselves from negative influences of air and water pollution?
Pollution is defined as “the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment”.   There are many different forms of pollution including air water, soil, light and noise pollution. Pollution affects plants and animal life, our oceans and other water sources, Earth’s Ozone layer and it causes a myriad of health problems in humans.
Sometimes, when an air pollutant, such as sulfuric acid combines with the water droplets that make up clouds, the water droplets become acidic, forming aid rain.   When acid rain falls over an area, it can kill trees and harm animals, fish, and other wildlife.
Long-term health effects can include lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.   When acid rain falls over an area, it can kill trees and harm animals, fish, and other wildlife.
Solution efforts on pollution are always a big problem. This is why prevention interventions are always a better way of controlling air pollution. Many prevention methods can either come from government or by individual actions. In many big cities, monitoring equipment has been installed at many points in the city. In many big cities, monitoring equipment has been installed at many points in the city.
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, very often by human activities. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without enough treatment to get rid of harmful compounds.
That's why you can help never throw rubbish away anyhow. You have to use water wisely. Do not keep the tap running when not in use. Do not throw chemicals, oils, paints and medicines down the sink drain, or the toilet. Buy more environmentally safe cleaning liquids for use at home and other public places. They are less dangerous to the environment. If you live close to a water body, try to plant lots of trees and flowers around...