How Are the Themes of Influence and Power Presented in “a Dolls’ House”? Compare This to “the Picture of Dorian Gray”. Which Is Most Effective?

Influence and power are used to enhance relationships between characters. In Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” he uses the characters Nora and Helmer’s ever changing roles with power as a way to convey their rocky marriage, eventually showing to us how the downfall of a relationship comes though power and influence, whereas Oscar Wilde shows influence and power by giving us may small scenarios that could happen, both good and bad and what would happen if we gave into temptation.
In “A Doll’s House”, there’s “lying and cheating and dissembling” taking   place throughout the play. Nora is first presented to us with little power over her husband but some power over her house-staff, In the 1800’s women were not seen to have any power but because she has some over her house staff it shows her position in society is above those who have too work for her. Helmer is first presented to us by calling his wife ‘pet-names’, including “squanderbird”, “skylark” and “spendthrift”. These names at first seem innocent- the ”s” sound making it seem softer and gentle, but the concealed context of the names, becomes easier clear and we see that Helmer is using them as a way to secretively insult Nora and her being unknowing to what he is saying. The names are very passive aggressive. The names are animals that are known for a lot of worth and for stealing and taking things of high fortune; he uses them to make himself seem more in power over Nora. When he first engages in conversation with her he lectures her, repeating the words “not even” to her, making the dialogue seem more like interrogation then a friendly chat. Nora replies to Torvald with “You know I could never act against your wishes”. The words “could never” implies two meanings, the first being that she won’t because she loves him, the second being that she literally cannot due to marriage vows.   This is where the dominance of men comes in. Dominance means to have power and influence over a person or thing. In “The Picture...