
Supported Practice Learning Experience

Hospital NURS09069

Word Count: 1551

September 2008 Cohort

Safe effective Discharge Planning

Reflection is an important part of ensuring the care provided is being continually evaluated and improved (Lillyman & Ghaye, 2002). Lillyman and Ghaye (2000)also state that reflection can show us how to influence practice and colleagues, within health and social care collaboration is needed as no one profession alone can meet all of a patient’s needs (Irvine et al. 2002). The Healthcare Quality Stategy for NHS Scotland was published in 2010; its aim was to provide effective patient centred care (Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland, 2010). All patient discharges require the nurse to work in collaboration with the interprofessional health and social care team, with the patient and any carers whether this be formal or informal (Farquhar et al. 2005).
For this reflection which is based on a safe patient discharge from hospital, I have chosen the Gibbs reflective cycle approach to give structure to my reflection. This reflective model helps to produce a clear description, analysis of feelings, evaluation and an overall conclusion of the event (Gibbs, 1998).

Description of the Event
During my seven week acute practice placement within the hospital my interest in safe effective discharge planning was aroused after one of my patients that had been admitted in my first week of placement was discharged and readmitted another two times before I had finished. For the purpose of this assignment I shall name my patient Mr Smith, this is to ensure my patients privacy and confidentiality is adhered to (NMC, 2008). The NMC 2008 outlines the right to patient confidentiality and I have a duty to adhere to it. The first time my patient was being discharged home i felt that he was being sent home without appropriate support, but even as a 3rd year student I felt i had to be cautious on expressing my opinions on what I...