Homeless Vets

The Homeless Problem
On any given day, while driving down one of Spokane’s many streets you will most likely find a person sitting on the side of the road with a sign. Nine times out of ten the sign will state that they are a veteran just looking for help; being the granddaughter of a veteran I always try and help out whenever I see these signs. Seeing these signs so often makes me feel guilty, guilty for having a guaranteed roof over my head and food on my table. In our state alone there are roughly 1,318 homeless vets; how is it that those who fought for our freedom come back to eventually have no home? Many people are against the war and believe that the homeless choose to live there life that way, and that we could better spend our energy elsewhere. We as Americans owe it to our veterans to devote bringing the quality of life to the forgotten heroes. About 1.4 million other veterans, meanwhile, are considered at risk of homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks, and dismal living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing.
These veterans are sacrificing their lives so that we can continue to have our privileges, and once they are done serving us we are done serving them. Yet we as a nation have somehow seem to just accept the fact that are veterans are suffering, we as a nation have learned to just turn our backs on are vets. There is an extreme shortage of affordable house, livable income and access to health care. About 1.5 million vets are considered at-risk of homelessness; which means they are living below the poverty level and paying 50% of their household income on rent. If we could build affordable housing for our vets this could help reduce homelessness as well as show our vets we appreciate what they sacrificed.
There are a large number of displaced and at-risk vets living with lingering effects of PTS and substance abuse, which are compounded by a lack of family and social support networks. Our vets are returning home trying to...