Hnc Poverty

Poverty exists from one place to another within our communities, it is about not having enough money to meet the basic needs of living. This includes food, clothing and having somewhere safe to live. This is known as being in ‘absolute poverty’ meaning not being able to meet basic needs over a long period of time. Not meeting the average standard of living within the community is defined as ‘relative poverty’, not being able to keep up with the accepted standard of living determined by their society.   Poverty can be defined in many different ways. Many people see poverty as only being present within developing countries not realising that poverty actually exists very close to home.
Being in poverty whether it is absolute or relative may be caused by an individual being made redundant or an individual being nurtured into a poverty stricken background. This being all they know and have learned behaviour from people they look up to and love. They may carry on being in poverty throughout their generation and the next. By never being employed or relying on others for example benefits in order to live their lives. Some people may end up in poverty through no fault of their own, broken promises of better things or by moving location of where they live.
An inequality that may cause poverty could be the social stratification in which the individual lives. Living in a run-down rough area may go against individuals. Being pre judged by a potential employer on the area in which the applicant is from can have a major impact on any job application. This would make the individual less confident in applying for jobs and may feel that it is easier to stay on benefits. Another inequality is if a disabled individual is prevented from living their life to their full potential whether this be in employment or within the community. There is not enough awareness made on the rights of disabled people within society. People with disabilities are sometimes seen as inadequate to be part...