Heath and Social Care Diploma Level 3

Health & Social care level 3
Assignment 1

Question 1 Why do you think effective communication is important in the work setting?

Communication is important in the work setting for an effective work environment with both co workers and service users.

It is important clients are made to feel relaxed around you so they can communicate and tell you about any problems or requests they may have, if they are able too.
It is important to build a good rapport and working relationship with a service user, this will help them to feel reassured that you are there to help them and have their best interests at heart, to help them feel included in their care, to feel safe at all times and feel as though they are being cared for with dignity and respect.
Service users are often vulnerable, they may be afraid, in pain and wont understand what is happening to them, They need to feel confident in the care you are giving them, they need to know beforehand what type of care you are giving them and you need to know back from them whether this is the type of care they are happy with receiving.
Practitioners must have advanced interpersonal skills to be able to get the best results from communicating with service users.
Effective communication helps co workers feel relaxed and positive if they are clear on the tasks being asked of them and helps them to feel confident enough to ask questions and communicate back to you with ease.
This is important as everyone can function more efficiently, and the work environment is a much more pleasant place for everyone.
By communicating effectively and showing positive body language problems or difficulties anyone is having will be resolved more easily as people will feel happier about discussing their feelings.

Question 2 Discuss five of the key pointers for effective working relationships.

Effective communication will help you build a build a rapport with the service users and people you work with, building a professional...