Health & Safety

Keeping records is a key responsibility of the teacher and some of these records are required by law or codes of practice in the institution or industry. As stated by Gravells, (2008:88), ‘‘Keeping records helps to show who we assessed, what was assessed, when assessment took place, where assessment took place, why assessment took place and how assessment took place ’’ There are different kinds of records that we keep teaching records, Individual learners records, medical / health & safety records, quality assurance records, assessment record, tutorial records, the attendance record which helps in monitoring attendance. Assessment records and learner grades are very essential to ensure that each learner is performing and attending the course while the teacher maintains an up to date record.
Initial assessment helps in knowing learners capability, and helps you support them appropriately. It is planned and carried out in such a way that learners and teacher, school authority , parents  can see what the benefits are and the positive effect it has in developing the potentials of learner. It takes into account the needs of learners in planning the scheme of work and lesson plan. The activities planned in the scheme of work and lesson plan are tailored to meet the need of the learners and linked to resources such as handouts, role play, group / peer assessment. Initial assessment reveals issues such a learning difficulties and dyslexia which gives teachers vital information about their leaner.
Individual learning plans sets out what a learner plan to learn, by which, the learning process and the resources require the carefully documented plans of what a learner will get from their starting point to bring the plan into action. This is based on an output of initial and diagnostic assessment. Individual learning planning should record what the learner already knows, what the learners can achieve on the course or what the learner would like to...