Health Core Summary

Health: Core 2-Summary
Skeletal System: The human skeletal system consists of 206 bones, and a network of tendons, ligaments and cartilage that joins them. The skeletal system performs vital functions — support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage and endocrine regulation — that enable us to move through our daily lives. Bones provide the structure for muscles to attach so that our bodies are able to move. Tendons are tough inelastic bands that hold and attach muscle to bone.

Synovial Joints:
Synovial joints have a joint capsule surrounding the ends of the two meeting bones and the joint completely. The joint capsule is filled with synovial fluid. The communicating ends of the bone are covered with cartilage to provide a smooth gliding surface.

Joint actions:
Extension: Increasing the angle of joints
Abduction: Away from the midline of the body
Adduction: Towards the midline of the body
Rotation: Around the axis of the body
Flexion: Decreasing the angle of joints
Inversion: Turning soul of the foot inwards
Aversion: Turning soul of the foot outwards
Dorsiflexion: Where toes point towards knee
Supination: Turning hands up  
Pronation: Turning hands downwards/Inward

Muscular Systems:
The functions of this system include aiding in body movement, flexibility, pumping of the blood, digestion, brain activity, breathing movement as well as bone and cell compactness.   The 650 muscles in the body not only support movement — controlling walking, talking, sitting, standing, eating and other daily functions that we consciously perform.

Muscle Relationship:
Antagonist: The relaxing muscle.
Agonist: Prime muscle mover.
Stabiliser: Stable position around the joints.

Respiratory System:

-Structure and function:
The respiratory system supplies the blood with oxygen through the breathing process. When humans breathe, oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled. The exchange of gases is the respiratory system’s...