Health and Social Care Research Task

| Qualitative | Quantitative |
Source 1 | | |
Source 2 | ‘Although there have been major improvements within the NHS in infection control, particularly in relation to Clostridium difficile and MRSA bloodstream infections in the last few years, healthcare-associated infections are still a very real threat to patients, their families and carers and staff.’ | ‘About 300,000 patients develop an infection in England each year while being treated by the NHS.’ |
Source 3 | ‘The Department has also launched a number of national initiatives aimed at reducing levels of healthcare associated infection. These include the deep clean, expansion of the modern matron initiative, the ‘clean your hands’ campaign and a Technology Programme which includes the Rapid Review Panel. These are estimated to have cost around £120 million since 2004.’ | |
Source 1 | ‘The Trust clinical practice guidelines are available on the GOSH Web within the InfectionControl link. Alcohol gel hand hygiene products are placed inside all ward areas to encourage staff, visitors and patients to decontaminate their hands within the clinical area. Compliance with the CVL ongoing care bundle is essential for the prevention of line infections. Regular audit is undertaken. National Staff survey scored low on the infection control question (training) and we need to understand this better to respond.’ |
| ‘Healthcare associated infections to be eliminated   * Vascular access related infections   * Staphylococcus Aureus - both Methicilin sensitive and Mticilin resistant (MRSA) bacteraemia and other infection   * Gastrointestinal and respiratory viral infections   * Surgical Site Infections (SSIs)   * Post intubation respiratory infection (including ventilator associated infection)   * Clostridium difficile (C. Diff) noting that this is endemic and rarely pathological     * Urinary Tract Infections from indwelling catheters
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| ‘Surveillance of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus...