
Morning/Afternoon Mr Ryan and fellow class mates
Judith Beveridge has an unquestionable love for nature which she developed throughout her childhood. Beveridge was born in England 1956 and came at to Australia 1960 at the young age of 3. Beveridge grew up in the western Sydney area and on school holidays she spent majority of her time on her uncle’s farm.
The statement “Judith Beveridge’s poetry is confrontational, charged and unrelenting” couldn’t be truer. Throughout the five poems written by Judith Beveridge we have studied Judith uses several different language techniques. Judith Beveridge’s confrontation and unrelenting poetry is clearest throughout her poems of “The Two Brothers” and “The Domesticity of Giraffes”. These two poems both have strong aspects of nature.
The poem of the two brothers identifies the childish decisions made by children. The poem is about a young girl who is somewhat being bullied by these two brothers. You might find that Beveridge really goes over the top when describing the two brothers as possible future criminals.   Beveridge uses techniques like Onomatopoeia and Alliteration to make her poetry confrontation, charged and so unrelenting.
Alliteration is a commonly used technique throughout the two brothers. Some examples include, “paint pictures”, “sparrows slowly”, “never needed” and “two touching”. The term paints pictures is used in a stanza where Judith seems to yet again daydream away from the current confronting present of the two brothers. She starts to daydream about the snails having the ability to paint picture book with their trails. The effect of sparrows slowly implies to the deaths. Beveridge relates the sparrows to herself, slowly dying. The brothers are slowly torturing her with cruel and confronting acts. With Beveridge having such strong feelings towards nature this is becoming unbearable.
Onomatopoeia is used well to continually carry on the sense of torture towards Beveridge and to show the childishness of...