Habit Six Synergy Essay

Everybody synergizes every day without usually knowing it. It is as if it was a natural way of working through life. There are endless ways and possibilities to use synergy. By the use of teamwork, open-mindedness, and the desire to solve old problems in new ways, synergizing is not an activity that is out of the norm...
The true definition of synergizing is having the habit of creative cooperation, and a process that requires bringing personal experience along with expertise to the table. Synergy is used by young people in the community all the time.   With young people discovering new ways to save the planet they are synergizing by trying to find new solutions to old problems. Electric cars, solar paneled houses, and new recycling methods are just but a few examples of how young people use synergy to change society. Young people synergize also by working towards common goals like woman’s suffrage and political movements. With groups of people working towards common goals like, the NWSA (National Woman’s Suffrage Association), they are using personal experience as motivation and expertise strategies to help change woman’s rights throughout the world. By using synergy the NWSA has the ability to change the world for the better and better their communities. When young people set out goals and decide to work together, synergy comes into play naturally. By naturally wanting to put their minds together, by naturally trying to solve problems, and by naturally being creative in the process, young people synergize unconsciously and it leads to greater outcomes.
There is more than one definition of synergy, and the second meaning of it is, the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. When broken down into simpler terms, the sum of the whole is greater than the smaller parts. This has a great deal to do with sports. A team would not be a team if it were not for the overall team. When...