Group Communication

TO: New Manager
FROM:   Previous Manager
DATE:   September 20, 2010
SUBJECT:   Group Development and Communication
Welcome to the organization. To assist in the transition to the management position, I am sharing what I gained through this rewarding experience. The manager is responsible for familiarizing new employees with their teammates and overseeing the development and communication of the group. The development of the group progresses through five stages: Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.
The forming stage begins with polite introductions that lead to understanding and gradually building mutual trust and dependence for achieving the same goal. At this stage, team members act with substantial independence. After the formation of the group, conflicts between group members may develop as named by the storming stage. Sources of possible conflict within a group include personality conflicts, power struggles, and differences in perception and expectations.
Communication between team members along with management guidance helps to calm the storm and propel the team to the norming stage. Characteristics of the norming stage include newly formed relationships, bonds, and principles and behaviors for members to abide by.   Examples of principles and behaviors, or group norms, formed in this stage include work ethic and quality, responsibilities, consequences, and communication processes.
Once members agree and set the norms and guidelines for group activity, the group starts focusing on performing. In the performing stage, the group should be able to start exerting all of their efforts toward completing the task or tasks assigned to them. The group should be fully functional and able to operate efficiently. However, changes and improvements are ongoing and the group will return to previous stages to resolve new problems and arrive once again at the performing stage. If the group is permanent, the performing stage is the final...