Grassroots Critique

This paper was on a very interesting topic that surrounded the women's grassroots movements. The first critiques will just be outlining the portions that I noticed could use some work as I did my first reading through the paper. The physical aspects that could changed to strengthen the paper the first was found in the abstract the format would look much better if the abstract was presented on the cover page, or on a separate page that was segregated from the rest of the paper.

Another aspect I noticed while reading the paper was the fact that the individual defined many terms at the beginning although this was certainly effective. I think it would have improved the overall appearance if the individual included an index to define these terms or perhaps just defined them when the used them throughout. The reason I would suggest this is because a paper should grab your attention from the beginning and reading terms at the start certainly is not as engaging as reading an interesting paragraph on the paper.

The second was found in the format, it is much easier to read a paper when it is presented in a double spaced format. This is also a criteria of the format Dr. Bittner recommended us to write in. I also noticed the flow in some of the paragraphs could have been reinforced with a stronger transition from one paragraph to the next. Although there was certainly some paragraphs that had this present some did not. An example of this is found in the following paragraph on page 6.

Because of the extent of the patriarchal judiciary system in Egypt, these types of claims have the reputation of spanning years when women are not educated in their legal rights (Ammar and Lababidy, 1999: 161-2).
The importance of these types of grassroots initiatives cannot be stressed enough.   The women in this organization particularly did not need to publically protest, or form pressure groups to change governmental policy on the status of women and women’s issues.
