Golden Twenties

Liam Martlew – How golden were the ‘Golden Twenties’?

The golden Twenties were very golden as this time period contained an economic recovery, a boost and improvement in domestic politics, the entry of Gustav Stresemann and the rise of Weimar culture. However these points also have counter arguments that prove the Golden Twenties were not that golden at all.
The economic recovery had strengths of better methods for the high production of important materials such as coal, iron and steel. This meant the people could begin to recover and businesses could flourish again as they could manufacture items and sell them again. Another strength was that hourly wage was increased by 10%. This meant that people had more money and they could afford more essential items and put money back into the economy. A final strength of the economic recovery is a 40% increase in exports meaning there Germans were beginning to trade with other countries and in more mass than they ever had.
However there was weaknesses of the economic recovery such as agriculture dropped 75% since the cash crisis as peasants didn’t rely on money so when they encountered the hyper inflation they became quite well of and agriculture shot up but after the economic recovery they weren’t as well off any more. Another weakness was that unemployment peaked at 1.9 million people meaning that a lot of people would never get a job. A final weakness is that people were still terrified about strong money away after the cash crisis in case it became worthless again due to the hyper inflation.
A second strength of the Golden Twenties was domestic politics and the fact that cabinet would stay in the office for 18 months meaning they’d be able to plan for the future and make decision in the long run for Germany whereas they couldn’t when they were in for 6 months. Another strength was the SPD increased its share meaning there was more money to be had by the government. A final strength is the parties were kept the...