Going Green

Going Green

There are some undeniably great consequences we could enjoy with some simple new legislation. In example, non-addictive pain relief, depopulation of prisons, a multibillion dollar tax revenue increase, and save billions of dollars of the state’s budget. What could be more important than to bring all these about almost immediately?
Marijuana can be called addictive by many, and many will say that it is not, the question of “is marijuana addictive?” can never truly be answered because things will always have different effects on human nature. To one person it may be impossible to quit yet to another it could be the easiest thing they have ever done. Tests that try and prove either side of that spectrum will always be biased in some way and never fully spot on the truth for the simple reason that everyone’s body is different. First hand knowledge of this matter helps in aiding my decision on a disbelieve that marijuana is addictive at any high rate, but with magazines printing articles with headlines such as “Marijuana addiction rivals that of Nicotine” it would be hard to convince non users any differently. Then there is the question of, “Well what about the people that go to rehab for marijuana?” it would be false to say that everyone in rehab for marijuana is there because of the government but it is also false to say that they are all there by choice. “According to state and national statistics, up to 70 percent of all individuals in drug treatment for marijuana are placed there by the criminal justice system.” (Armentano, Paul).
Studies have also shown that marijuana is useful in certain medical conditions and can be used to ease pain as a more natural approach other than prescription pills such as Vicodin and Hydrocodone. “Marijuana is known to aid in relief from nausea and appetite loss, reduction of muscle spasms, and relief from chronic pain. As with AIDS, marijuana can relieve the nausea...