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Go Back To Where You Came From
Discovery can be a part of greater ideals, however when faced with the realities of experiences they can be deceiving. Part of this pragmatic process of realisation is when expectations are emotionally unfulfilling or the cause of grief. This idea is first unpacked through the 2011 SBS documentary, ‘Go Back to Where You Came From’ directed by Ivan O’Mahoney, in which six participants follow the journey of refugees and act as representative of the stereotypes in Australia’s asylum seeker debate. This idea is also discovered though a famous street artist, Banksy, who has left his mark in many cities around the world, From New Orleans to Israel’s West Bank security wall. Banksy’s pieces convey a message that is both political and satirical in nature and causing controversial debates which reflect his art works. Banksy’s ‘Follow Your Dreams/Cancelled’ signifies that the notion of one’s dreams has been cancelled. These two texts entwine with what expectations are engaged with the process of discovery, the representation of constructed ideas of stereotypes and how these debates change the viewer’s public perception.
From the beginning of the first episode, the responder is introduced through short vignettes of each participant. Raye Colbey is a 63 year old woman who lives opposite to the Interbrackie Detention centre in Adelaide Hills who had a strong opinion about the money spent on the residents. “They’ve got EVERYTHING there, I could’ve gone over there with a gun and shot the lot of them”, and Adam Hartup, a 26 year old Cronulla lifeguard who was on the beach of the day of the 2005 riots and had zero tolerance for asylum seekers who arrive by boat. “We’re spending millions of dollars housing these criminals”. Throughout the documentary the responder is introduced to the participant’s process of discovery by being faced with the unexpected truth of reality and how their opinions on the matter has emotionally impacted them as a person....