
GMAT preparation
8 rules for GMAT success

Billie Winters
associate UDC Program

INDEX - 8 Rules for GMAT succes
1. The man and the plan 2. Rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal 3. The way to read 4. How to correct that sentence 5. Reason critically 6. Guesstimate 7. Don’t look for the right solution 8. Write simple and clear 9. Reviews of GMAT preparation books and software


The GRADUATE MANAGEMENT ADMISSION TEST (GMAT) is a required part of the admissions process for most business schools across the whole world. In addition, some graduate finance and economics programs use the GMAT during their admissions evaluation process. Due to its importance in the application process, candidates choosing to pursue a MBA should begin preparing for the GMAT CAT early to increase their chances of getting admitted in the school of their dreams. A GMAT can have a serious effect on your future career as 85% of all business school admission officers claim that the GMAT result is the most important factor in the admission process for highly rated business schools. 1. The man and the plan First, you have to figure out for yourself where you stand. Analyze yourself, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses. You know which kind of questions you are going to face, so you just have to ask yourself the question which bridges will be the hardest to cross. You know you will have to take geometry questions in the Quantitative section; so are you strong enough with triangles and quadrilaterals, but too weak with circles? If you can answer this question about yourself you already know where the focus of your preparation should be put Why would you spend a lot of time on an a question you know you will probably answer it wrong in the end, no matter what? Knowing what you can, but especially what you can not, will prove very valuable in the time pressure that the GMAT puts on you. So to use your time wisely, it is very important to know your own abilities...

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