Global Racism

Global Racism
Do you think global racism is getting better or worse? In the society we live in today racism has gotten better. But now it’s a whole new racism not just what color that person is but also where they are from and what their culture is. Media is a very dominant mode of communications in the society that we live in today. Media plays a vital role in producing these stereotypes. As a result of that the media as in movies, fashion and even in school where students are educating themselves for the “real world”.
Racism makes its way into our heads through the almighty media. As we grow up, whether or not we want it to be, media becomes a factor of our lives. Media is also a major source of how racism keeps itself active. It all started in the 70’s when media started racial labeling. One of the largest supplies coming from crime shows like “Law and Order”, and “CSI”. When dealing with crime, people of color are reflected in the demarcation of “them” and “us”. Whites are often represented as the “good guy”, or the strong law obeying citizens. They often target people of color, sometimes without any sort of evidence. Directors and writers use racial stereotypes to make a more complex story with more suspects. In the article “stereotypes” by McLeod, it states that Media stereotypes are inevitable, especially in the advertising, entertainment and news industries, which need as wide audience as possible to quickly understand information. Stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of people usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation.
Racism and stereotypes go hand in hand. Racism had existed throughout human history. It is regularly defined as the detestation, or belief that someone is less of a human, because of skin color, place of birth, religion so on and so forth. Stereotypes are deeply embedded in every society in numerous ways. The...